
Sr. No. Circular No. Circular Subject Circular Date
71 OM.No.1459/HR-04/UNL/2021/04-HR-(04)/2011(TC) [ 1.54 MB ] Regarding arrangement of Medical board meeting through video conferencing on third Thursday of every month :OM.No.1459/HR-04/UNL/2021/04-HR-(04)/2011(TC) 12/07/2021
72 OM No.278/UNL/Training/PE/2021 Dated-30.06.2021 [ 448.94 KB ] Result of Professional Exam Part -1 & Part - 2 for Engineers: OM No.278/UNL/Training/PE/2021 Dated-30.06.2021 01/07/2021
73 170-UPRVUSA/UNL/2020/P-4/5/6/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) [ 2.16 MB ] Regarding Office Memorandum no.170-UPRVUSA/UNL/2020/P-4/5/6/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) Dated: 24.06.2021 & Details list of Promotion of P-4,P-5 & P-6 category Operating Staff to the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E& M Cadre 25/06/2021
74 Circular [ 432.21 KB ] Necessary instructions of Publication for Tender/Advertisement of HQ's units and all Thermal Power Project of UPRVUNL 22/06/2021
75 OM NO-180/UNL/Training/JE(T)(Civil)/2020 [ 2.18 MB ] Result of JE (T)(Civil) after Final absorption Test: OM NO-180/UNL/Training/JE(T)(Civil)/2020 Dated-22.05.2021 22/05/2021
76 OM NO-916/HR-04/UNL/2021-5(37)-HR-04/2020(TC) Dated-22.04.2021 [ 720.64 KB ] Regarding COVID-19 vaccination: OM NO-916/HR-04/UNL/2021-5(37)-HR-04/2020(TC) Dated-22.04.2021 23/04/2021
77 323/HR-03/UNL/2020-5(22)-HR-03/2014 [ 444.26 KB ] Work arrangement in Government Office during Corona Virus (Covid-19): OM NO-323/HR-03/UNL/2020-5(22)-HR-03/2014 Dated-13.02.2020 14/04/2021
78 501/HR-03/UNL/2021-5(6)-HR-03/2020 [ 234.08 KB ] Regarding 1st Time Scale to Junior Engineer : OM.NO 501/HR-03/UNL/2021-5(6)-HR-03/2020 Dated 17.03.2021 26/03/2021
79 OM No.OM.No-683/HRA-02/UNL/2021-16-HRA-02/2018 [ 253.67 KB ] Extension of deployment in KESCO: OM No.OM.No-683/HRA-02/UNL/2021-16-HRA-02/2018 Dated 10.03.2021 23/03/2021
80 OM.No-684/HRA-02/UNL/2021-16-HRA-02/2018 [ 325.55 KB ] Cancellation of deployment in KESCO: OM No.OM.No-684/HRA-02/UNL/2021-16-HRA-02/2018 Dated 10.03.2021 23/03/2021