
Sr. No. Circular No. Circular Subject Circular Date
31 Important notice regarding final result and cut off marks for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. [ 867.79 KB ] Important notice regarding final result and cut off marks for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. 20/06/2022
32 Grade-1:OM No.1695/HR-03/UNL/2022-10(2) HR-03/2014 [ 525.54 KB ] Regarding promotion of Chemist Grade-2 to Chemist Grade-1:OM No.1695/HR-03/UNL/2022-10(2) HR-03/2014 Dated 16.06.2022 20/06/2022
33 OM No.307/TTI/UNL/P-7 [ 2.5 MB ] Result of Professional Exam Part -1 & Part - 2 for Engineers: OM No.307/TTI/UNL/P-7 Dated-18.06.2022 20/06/2022
34 Important notice regarding downloading of Call Letter for Practical & Viva Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. [ 2.5 MB ] Important notice regarding downloading of Call Letter for Practical & Viva Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. 13/05/2022
35 Regarding result of examination for JE (promoted) 2nd batch on Dated 20.04.2022 [ 297.4 KB ] Regarding result of examination for JE (promoted) 2nd batch on Dated 20.04.2022 11/05/2022
36 Cancellation of Indoor patient certification of Kumar Nursing Home, Aligarh [ 442.83 KB ] Cancellation of Indoor patient certification of Kumar Nursing Home, Aligarh 09/05/2022
37 Important notice regarding examination dates for Practical & Viva Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. [ 1.43 MB ] Important notice regarding examination dates for Practical & Viva Examination for the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E&M Cadre against 8.33% Promotion Quota. 05/05/2022
38 OM No.703-HRA-02/UNL/2022-15-NG/2001 [ 1.56 MB ] Revision in DA (Old Pay Scale 6th Pay Commission) : OM No.703-HRA-02/UNL/2022-15-NG/2001 dated 22.04.2022 22/04/2022
39 Result of Re-exam of Group D employees [ 210.42 KB ] Result of Re-exam of Group D employees 16/04/2022
40 O.M. No. 276/UNL/UPRVUSA/2020/P-4/5/6 [ 488.66 KB ] Notice regarding list of selected candidates for Operating Staff(Skilled)(P-4,P5 & P6)for promotion to the post of Junior Engineer(Ordinary Grade)E&M Cadre against O.M. No.276/UNL/UPRVUSA/2020/P-4/5/6/Operating Staff/Selection(Promotion)dated-12.04.2022. 12/04/2022