
Sr. No. Circular No. Circular Subject Circular Date
121 OM No. 541-HR-06(GOPAN)/UNL/2020-12-HR-06(GOPAN)/2020 [ 603.46 KB ] Submission of Pending Annual Confidential Report of Assistant Engineers : OM No. 541-HR-06(GOPAN)/UNL/2020-12-HR-06(GOPAN)/2020 Dated. 02.07.2020 09/07/2020
122 OM No. 142-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) dated 27.06.2020 [ 1.53 MB ] Regarding Operating Staff (Skilled) (P4, P5 & P6) for promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E & M Cadre. : OM No. 142-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) dated 27.06.2020 29/06/2020
123 OM No.1416/HR-01/VUNL-2020-15-HR-01/2001 Dated-16.06.2020 [ 227.48 KB ] Regarding inviting application for the single post of Manager(Architecture) in UP Police Awaas Nigam Ltd. on deputation : OM No.1416/HR-01/VUNL-2020-15-HR-01/2001 Dated-16.06.2020 25/06/2020
124 OM No. 140-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) dated 24.06.2020 [ 1.02 MB ] OM regarding Operating Staff (Skilled) (P4, P5 & P6) for promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E & M Cadre. : OM No. 140-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) dated 24.06.2020 25/06/2020
125 OM NO-108/UNL/Non Diploma JEs/2020 Dated-23.06.2020 [ 269.55 KB ] Regarding Result of Non Diploma JEs: OM NO-108/UNL/Non Diploma JEs/2020 Dated-23.06.2020 24/06/2020
126 OM No. 134-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019 [ 2.07 MB ] OM regarding Operating Staff (Skilled) (P4, P5 & P6) for promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E & M Cadre. : OM No. 134-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) dated 18.06.2020 19/06/2020
127 OM NO.832/HR-(04)/UNL/2020-3-(16)-HR-04/2016 [ 425.45 KB ] Regarding City compensatory allowance: OM NO.832/HR-(04)/UNL/2020-3-(16)-HR-04/2016 Dated-30.05.2020 09/06/2020
128 OM NO.1173/HR-01/VUNL/2020-10-HR-01/2002 [ 728 KB ] ID No. allocation to AEs : OM NO.1173/HR-01/VUNL/2020-10-HR-01/2002 Dated-27.05.2020 09/06/2020
129 OM No. 106-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019/Operating Staff/Selection (Promotion) [ 1.14 MB ] Regarding date extension of submitting the required pending documents against O.M. no. 41 dated 29.01.2020 for Operating Staff (Skilled) (P4, P5 & P6) for promotion to the post of Junior Engineer (Ordinary Grade) E & M Cadre. : OM No. 106-UNL/UPRVUSA/2019 23/05/2020
130 OM No.69/UNL/Training/PE/2020 Dated-20.05.2020 [ 1.2 MB ] Result of Professional Exam Part -1 & Part - 2 for Engineers: OM No.69/UNL/Training/PE/2020 Dated-20.05.2020 22/05/2020