181 |
Click here to download call letters for documents verification for the post of Technician Grade-II (Electrician), (Post Code-11) against advt. no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 scheduled on 11/10/2021 & 12/10/2021.
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04-10-2021 17:00 |
182 |
Regarding CBT result of AE (T) E & M (Electronics and Instrumentation), (Post Code-3) and TG-II (Electrician), (Post Code-11) & schedule of Documents Verification for the post of TG-II (Electrician), (Post code-11) against advertisement no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2 [ 323.41 KB ]
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30-09-2021 15:30 |
183 |
Click here to download call letter for Interview for the post of Account Officer Trainee ( Post code -6 ) against Advt.no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 scheduled on 05 October 2021
Other |
28-09-2021 00:00 |
184 |
Notice regarding Interview for the post of Account Officer (Trainee), (Post Code-6) against advt. no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 [ 382.39 KB ]
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23-09-2021 09:45 |
185 |
Click here to download call letters for documents verification for the post of Staff Nurse (Post code- 8) against advt. no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 scheduled on 25th September, 2021
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18-09-2021 17:45 |
186 |
Regarding CBT result of Assistant Engineer (Trainee) E & M - Mechanical (Post Code-1), Electrical (Post Code-2), Assistant Engineer (Trainee) Civil (Post Code-5). CBT result & schedule of Documents Verification for the post of Staff Nurse (Post Code-8) a [ 1.77 MB ]
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15-09-2021 13:15 |
187 |
Click here to download call letters for documents verification for the post of Technician Grade-II (Fitter) (Post Code-10) against advt. no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 scheduled on 18th September, 2021
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13-09-2021 15:45 |
188 |
Regarding CBT result & Schedule of Documents Verification for the post of Technician Grade-II (Fitter), (Post code-10) against advertisement no.U-37/UPRVUSA/2019: OM No. 324 dated 09.09.2021 [ 1.3 MB ]
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09-09-2021 13:45 |
189 |
Important notice regarding amendment in number of vacant posts against advertisement no. U-38/UPRVUSA/2021 [ 537.53 KB ]
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30-08-2021 11:15 |
190 |
Notice regarding download of call letters for documents verification for the post of Pharmacist (Post Code-9) & TG-II (Instrument) (Post Code-12) against advt. no. U-37/UPRVUSA/2019 [ 432.26 KB ]
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25-08-2021 18:30 |